How can I find the website of a company in DATA ITEM LIBRARY?

What is the name of the field that provides the website of a company? I tried web, website, webpage ... in Add Filter, but I could not find it.


Best Answer

  • Hello @bm01 and all,

    Please be informed of the resolution summary from our investigation:

    "I have reached out to Screener App Product Manager as well as the developers and they will be looking into the possibility to add the website address as a filter in Screener. There is no timeline given for that yet, though. "


  • @bm01 Please try 'TR.OrganizationWebsite' and 'TR.CompanyLinkHome'. I hope this can help.

  • 'TR.OrganizationWebsite' is the correct term if you request it using the API. But in workspace, that does not work. What is the name of the field that contains the website in workspace?

  • @bm01 So you can find the website field in the Overview ==> Codes and Schemes section:


    Is this what you mean?

  • I am in SCREENER/QUICK FILTERS. To add a filter, I need to launch the DATA ITEM LIBRARY and then find the filter I want. It is there where I need to look and I could not find it. I know it is somewhere there, since I have used it in the past, but I cannot find it now.

  • @bm01 OK so from the Data Item Library select 'New Expression' from the bottom left and the you can create a custom expression and name it - you will find the field there - see below:


    I hope this can help.

  • I cannot see "New Expression". Here a print screen:screen-shot-2022-02-02-at-61108-pm.png

  • Perhaps it is not an option to add Organization Website as a filter? What I am trying to achieve is to retrieve a company based on the website. That is: input website, output company ID. Is that even possible?

  • @bm01 how strange - I have the following:


    as this is a product issue rather than an API issue I have opened the following Case : 10910583 on your behalf. The product support team will be in touch shortly. I hope this can help.

  • To find the website of a company in a data item library, you need to look for the field labeled "URL" or "Website URL." It's not uncommon for this information to be stored under a standard label like "URL" rather than "web," "website," or "webpage." Using the correct field name in the "Add Filter" option should help you locate the company's website information more effectively.