Asia Exchange Trading Hours Information

Dear Refinitiv Support,

We would like your advice on 2 questions:

  1. How should we best get information about Asia exchanges' trading hours from Elektron Real-time feed?
    e.g. Stock Connect, Hong Kong, Shanghai etc.

  2. For the RICs that provide such data, what is the timeline of the data being published by Refinitiv? Since we prepare early for upcoming half-day trading days, we hope to get notified several weeks in advance if possible.

Best Regards,

Sonny Tay

Best Answer


  • For example, we found this RIC PH/EXCH1 that seems to show trading hours of Philippines Stock Exchange. However, PH exchange currently ends trading at 13:00 local time due to special situation

    Would RICs such as <exchange code>/EXCH1 be accurate?
    Or, could this be just a one-off incident and Refinitiv needs to correct that data.

    Thank you.

  • Thank you Zoya, your answer definitely helps.

    We have opened a Case with Refinitiv helpdesk to check on the unadjusted timings in PH/EXCH1 , as you suggested.