Can't get data with Python Sample App

Hi All. I'm trying to pull data back with the Access Example app from, file GetData.ipynb, using VS Code.

I created an app key, and can open the session, but

rd.get_data(['LSEG.L', 'VOD.L'])

Gives error

Failure retrieving snapshot form < object at 0x1b929f5e320 {name='['LSEG.L', 'VOD.L']'}>

File "...\", line 253, in _get_snapshot

File "\", line 104, in open state =


IndexError: list index out of range

I assume the index is out of range b/c no data is being returned, but there's no better error msg. Can someone give tips on troubleshooting? Thanks!


Best Answer

  • Hi @cockcron

    Have you been through the RD Library Quick Start Quick Start | Refinitiv Developers ?

    Once you have worked through it if you are still having problems please refer to the basic troubleshooting section towards the bottom - which has instructions on generating log output.

    You can attach the log output here - after removing any credentials etc, as well as your refinitiv-data.config.json file with dummy appkey / other credentials replaced with dummy ones.

    Also, please advise which type of session you are using - Desktop, Platform or Deployed? and if using a Desktop session - do you have Eikon or Workspace running on the same PC?


  • Thank you! I'll follow your instructions and continue to troubleshoot.

    I'm trying to use Platform. When I click on the App Key link in the doc, I'm taken to an Eikon login screen. I log in (I have an Eikon support account), then can choose:

    Eikon Data API,Side by Side API, EDP API

    I don't want Eikon, so I choose EDP. Is this right for Platform? Thanks!

  • Hi @cockcron

    Do you have an RDP (EDP) platform account and credentials i.e. a MachineID etc? You would have received a Welcome email which would have a Machine ID / Machine Account details e.g. something like GE-A-01234567-4-1234 and the email would have a link to set a long password also?

    If not, selecting EDP API will not help you - if your only source of data is an Eikon desktop product.

    Note that you can tick EDP API and Eikon Data API - to create a multipurpose App Key - I have done the same for my setup - so I can use the same App Key with Eikon or the Platform - I do still need to supply my platform credentials if I want to connect to the platform.

  • Thanks again. I don't have a MachineID or welcome email that I can find. Do you know the best way to get one? I'll try the Eikon route, but our app needs to be able to run without it, so need to switch to platform eventually.

  • Hi @cockcron

    You would need to contact your Refinitiv Account representative to arrange an RTP Trial and/or full account credentials.

    That should then generate the welcome email - allowing you to use the RD Library with a Platform session - i..e without a local Eikon desktop installation.

    Please let me know if you don't know your Account team - I can try and dig around...