poll data in rdp


I am trying to retrieve poll data using rdp in python. Where can I find the available field names for symbol? I tried using the ones from RHistory but they do not work.

df = rdp.get_historical_price_summaries(

universe = 'JPY1MP=',

interval = rdp.Intervals.MONTHLY,

fields = ['NDA_RAW.Nda_margin','NDA_RAW.Nda_mean','NDA_RAW.Nda_median'],

start = '2018-02-01',

end = '2022-02-01')


Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓


    You can use the following code to retrieve all available fields from the historical_price_summaries.

    df = rdp.get_historical_price_summaries(
        universe = 'JPY1MP=',
        interval = rdp.Intervals.MONTHLY,
        fields = [],
        start = '2018-02-01',
        end = '2022-02-01')
