API retrieving weird/wrong data for BOPr.AT


I am retrieving a total number of shares outstanding for BOPr.AT both via Excel and via API. In Excel, I use "=@RData(A2:A25;"RCA.S.Outstanding";;;"CH:Fd")" to get the correct value. This however, does not work in API and hence I need to use, for example, 'TR.F.ComShrOutsTot', which returns incorrect values.

Do you know where the issue is? And how to emulate RCA.S.Outstanding in Eikon API?

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓


    Please try the TR.SharesOutstanding field.

    df, err = ek.get_data(['BOPr.AT','IBM.N'],['TR.SharesOutstanding'])

    This field represents the issue-level outstanding shares.

    The output is:


    The values are equal to the values returned from the RData function.



  • @havlin So you can use the Data Item Browser App (type DIB in Eikon search bar) to see different fields available:


    What number is RCA.S.Outstanding returning? I do know there have been some events on this issue the stock was split into old and new I believe. There are a number of this type of field available and some fields may calculate things in a slightly different manner. I hope this can help. If you still believe there is an error in the number you can always raise a content query in Contact Us.

  • Thank you! This was exactly what I was looking for :)