Can I retrieve all mutual fund data via Eikon API with python?

I need to retrieve all fund data e.g. nav, Lipper ric,,.. can I use python with eikon API to retrieve all fund data? because I need to retrieve automatically everyday

Best Answer

  • Hi @tanin,

    This code is from another thread in the Q&A forum which I believe might be useful for your case:

    df, err = ek.get_data('LP40065886', ['TR.FundHoldingRIC','TR.FundHoldingName',


    Also, according to this thread, Eikon API only supports fund data retrieval by asset ID and it does not support bulk download for all data.

    Please let me know if you were looking for something different here.


  • Hi @tanin

    Have you worked through the QuickStart and tutorials for Eikon Data API - Eikon Data API | Refinitiv Developers?

    If so, please be more specific as to what you wish to achieve - in terms of content and data. It is entirely possible to consume data using Python with Eikon Data API. Please provide examples of what content you are trying to access.

    Also, just to confirm that the Eikon DATA API code can only run on a PC where there is an instance of Eikon (or Workspace) running.

  • Thank you :)