How to get new equity option RIC after corp action using EikonDataAPI

Example: on Feb 1, EXCM202305000.U changed to EXC1M202305000.U. On Feb 2, when I load "UNDERLYING" field for EXCM202305000.U, it is null so I know the RIC has changed but is there a way, using the API, to determine the new RIC? FYI I am using C# with EikonDataAPI v0.4.7.

Best Answer

  • Hi @DDALY ,

    Adjusted options stubs are the results of a corporate event resulting in a change in the underlying, lot size, strike prices, etc. As far as I know there is no direct way to determine a RIC change. One thing I would suggest is to construct and loop over potential RICs (this is straightforward and you can easily construct potential RICs) and try to validate those. Such an implementation is done here for options with different generations. Although these are in Python, you can use the same workflow to re-create functions for C# as well. The functions take ISIN/RIC, maturity date and strike and return a valid RIC along with the prices.

    Another thing which I believe might be useful for you is getting the adjustment factor for stock split events as it will impact the strike price. However, if you have the exact strike this shouldn't be a challenge for you. Just in case sharing this article here where you may find a workflow for finding stock split corporate events and adjustment factors.

    Please have a look at those and feel free to let me know should you have any further questions.


  • Hi
    @haykaz.aramyan, Apologies for delayed response. Yes I had already implemented the RULES7 formulae using C# but I will be doing some additional work in Python so that code will be very useful. Also thank you for the stock split code - that's one case covered and I may try to expand it to cover other cases if possible.