How to use the EIKON API with MAC

EIKON download version is not available on MAC.

Would you tell us how to retrieve Refinitive data on API?

User has asked us the below .

<Am I correct in assuming that I need the Refinitiv Eikon API Proxy software to retrieve Refinitiv data via the Python API?

If so, where can I download the latest version of the Refinitiv Eikon API Proxy for mac?>

Would you tell me the correct answer?


Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓

    @Kaori Nebashi

    Referring to this page, at the present time, Eikon cannot be installed natively on Mac® operating systems so users would need virtualization software to run in Windows to get the full desktop experience.

    It supports macOS for web access. Sorry for this confusion.

    You can try Workspace instead.
