TLAC Eligibility field not returning

I am looking at bonds to determine their TLAC eligibility using the Eikon data api with python. Please find my code attached as a file and see a screenshot run:


unfortunately I am not able to attach the .ipynb file, but see a text copy of it below:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

# In[1]:

import refinitiv.dataplatform as rdp
import refinitiv.dataplatform.eikon as ek
# with or without debug logging
# rdp.logging.basicConfig(level=1)
rdp_session = rdp.open_desktop_session('secret')
#rdp.get_search_metadata(view = rdp.SearchViews.GovCorpInstruments)

# In[2]:
short_ric_list = ['CH237459601=']
# In[3]:

short_fields_list = [
# In[4]:
short_ric_info, err = ek.get_data(short_ric_list, fields=short_fields_list)

# In[5]:
# In[6]:

what comes back:

Instrument|Company Common Name|RIC
0CH237459601=|UBS Group AG|CH237459601=

what I expect should come back:

Instrument|IsTLACEligible|Company Common Name|RIC
0CH237459601=|Y|UBS Group AG|CH237459601=

Best Answer

  • raksina.samasiri
    Answer ✓

    hi @henrik.karlsson

    There's a typo on the code, 'i' was missing from the field name, please try the code below

    short_ric_list = ['CH237459601=']

    short_fields_list = [

    short_ric_info, err = ek.get_data(short_ric_list, fields=short_fields_list)


    FYI, to use the Eikon library, instead of the open RDP desktop session

    rdp_session = rdp.open_desktop_session('secret')

    Eikon set app key function can be also used

