CRT / Expresso basic conditions

Hi, I was redirected here by the Refinitiv Support following ticket 10960137.

I am trying to use the Expresso Formulae framework of CRT 1.2.3 (a.k.a. Contex) for the first time. I am trying to have a formula which consists in doing a timed snapshot of a field already present at the UPAI record set level, and populating a derived field for that. For example : I would like to populate the field PRIMACT_1 with the content of BID_1 every day at 22:30:00 only (so the value would change only once a day at this specific time). Would you be able to assist doing this by any chance ? I tried a few things but there is nothing that helps to write logical (if... then) conditions in the Expresso Reference Card PDF found into the software package (at least for me !). Thanks in advance Julien


Best Answer

  • Hi @julien.dominici

    If you are asking about a specific Contex issue/functionality that you wish to implement within Contex software, then it is unlikely that we can help you on this forum.

    If the Contex team are still insistent that we can help, please ask them to help you rephrase the query in term of our APIs and products - so that we can put it into context.

    I seem to remember standing next to a customer using a Contex front end and I seem to recall it was possible to configure/program Contex FIDs to be derived from other FIDS - but this was a purely Contex feature - and nothing to do with our APIs or RTDS products.


  • Hi @julien.dominici

    Using the Refinitiv Real-Time SDK, you can perform a timed snapshot, or non-streaming request, to pull down the fields of interest and manipulate them in any way you prefer, i.e. populate your locally cached PRIMACT_1 value with BID_1 at a specific time.

    Regarding the other products you are using, i.e. Expresso Reference Card PDF, we can't provide any guidance here - I would suggest you contact those product owners.

  • Hi Nick thanks a lot for your reply. I think there is a big misunderstanding here, since I am refering to a very specific (near to be unknown apparently..) feature of the CONTEX software (now known as Contributions RealTime), which is named "Expresso Formulae" into the software itself which is associated with the very small documentation I have mentioned (the "Reference Card", a PDF provided with the Contex package). Contex is the only product I am using in this case, and my need resides in Contex only (I do not need to snapshot using RTSDK API or similar at all, all what I need to do is inside Contex and only inside it).

    I have opened a support ticket onto the classic portal for Contex but for an unknown reason they redirected me to this page (and confirmed that it was the good thing to do afterwards after I mentioned my surprise..) . So I bet that I am here because of a incomprehension.

    I will reopen the case and discuss with them... thank you for your time.

