Get ROC with quarterly frequency


I'm trying to download the official Return on Capital of AAPL.OQ of the previous quarters, on a quarterly frequency. However, when I execute my code I simply get the yearly data repeated 4 times.

I noticed that the issue is only with the field I'm using, so maybe there's a different one for that frequency?

 data, err = ek.get_data(
{"SDate": "-8", "EDate": "0", "Frq": "FQ"},


Thanks for your help!

Best Answer

  • Hello @Daniele and all,

    Conveying the conclusions from the content investigation:

    "The measure is currently provided on an annual basis only, see reference screenshot from Eikon below. This is the reason why we get repeating values when pulling on a quarterly frequency. I further checked the current estimates and confirmed that Analysts are currently submitting annual estimates only."


    so the results that you observe are as expected


  • Hello @Daniele ,

    I am observing the same on my side, however my content expertise is limited.

    I have opened the support case with our content experts, to verify the correctness of this content. Please expect they will reach out to you directly via email that was registered on dev portal.