DACS connection not working from AWS

I am moving some old rfa java code from on prem to AWS. When trying to run from aws I am getting the error. Network connection to DACS Multiplexer down. My assumption is that the firewall is blocking communication with the DACS server. What port would I need to open to communicate with the DACS server and can I disable communicating with DACS and just let the ADS server do the authentication? If so how?


Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    According to the error message, you need to run a DACS sink daemon on the machine.

    The followings are TCP ports used by the DACS sink daemon.

    tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      29743/dacs.snkd
    tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      29743/dacs.snkd
    tcp        0      0 replablinux1:59490 ESTABLISHED 29743/dacs.snkd

    The service file contains the following entries.

    dacs_lib        8211/tcp        dacs_adm
    dacs_perm       8250/tcp
    dacs_snkdstat  8261/tcp

    You need to contact the DACS support team directly via MyRefinitiv to confirm TCP ports used by a DACS sink daemon to connect to a DACS server.

    However, you can disable DACS checking in the RFA API. Please refer to the answer on this thread.