Interpreting values in FID 393 and FID 6 in RFA.LOG

Hi ,

We are trying to interpret response from Refinitiv API.

The RFA.LOG file has FID values encoded in Hexadecimal string. I wanted your help on how to interpret the values here ..

RICFID 393 In HEXIn DecimalEUROSTR=0bfdbe??JPONMU=RR0bfb??ESTR1WAVG=09ff1e90??ESTR1MAVG=09ff1e9d??ESTR3MAVG=09ff1e7c??ESTR6MAVG=09ff1f99??ESTR1YAVG=0ae9c4??

The first two characters (0b,09,0a) represen the hint multiplier. The remaining characters represent the values. Wanted to know how to interpret the value and convert to decimal.


Best Answer


  • Hi @rohit.gajare

    You can also find similar enumeration documentation in the RFA HTML Reference Manual e.g. for RFA C++, you can refer to the
    rfa::data Namespace Reference MagnitudeType enumerated values

    Or for RFA Java you can refer to the

    com.reuters.rfa.omm Interface OMMNumeric reference documentation

  • Hi @umer.nalla

    I need clarity on whether the Hex values e.g. for 0A0297AC are represented as "Mantissa * Exponent " or "Mantissa * Fractional part", when it comes to Interest Rates ?. Are interest rates always presented in "Mantissa * Exponent" format ?

    Under which conditions does Refinitiv decide to provide the exponent representation vs. the fractional representation.

    Based on our earlier interactions ..

    Case A: The value is reported as Mantissa * an Exponent..

    0A = MagnitudeType = 10 =EXPONENT_NEG_4 (as defined in the EMA Java HTML Reference Manual under OmmReal.MagnitudeType).

    0297AC = Mantissa = 169900

    Case B : In another response, It was mentioned ...

    An 8-byte precision10 (19-20 decimal places) fixed-placed representation of a numeric having a fractional or exponential part. The range of the fractional part is from 1/2 to 1/256. The range of the exponential part is from 10-14 to 107. Uses rfa::data::Real64. (See note following this table).



  • Hi @rohit.gajare

    As mentioned in my other post, the trace file with hex output is for diagnostic purposes only and not for data extraction purposes. RWF data should only be accessed using RFA decoders in your application code.

    In terms of whether price data is published and decimal or fractional, this will be determined by the source/vendor/exchange of the data and/or asset type.

    Our streaming APIs such as RFA and RT-SDK are content-neutral and will pass on the data as they receive it from the feed.

    If you want to determine the price field format of a particular asset class etc, please raise a content type ticket at Product Support | MyRefinitiv - where a content specialist will be able to confirm the format - please provide examples/details of the interest rate values you are interested in when raising the ticket.