get data screener --> ticker / symbol translation

for a "get_data" call that pulls in MNA fields with a screener,

how do i get back any semblance of a normal ticker? for AAPL, ... AAPL, or AAPL.O or whatever?

based on searches for querying for MNA, i am able to do this:

data = ek.get_data(









to get back useful 'symbols' or 'tickers', based on searches in the developer community, i have tried guesses like:

"TR.ExchangeTicker", (seems to be a real field in other queries)

"TR.TickerSymbol", (seems to be a real field in other queries)
"TR.MnAAcquirorTickerSymbol" (i just guessed at this one)

and so on...

and those fail. is the mna screener instrument list argument somehow leading to an outcome different than other queries that let you specify

"TR.ExchangeTicker", (seems to be a real field in other queries)

"TR.TickerSymbol", (seems to be a real field in other queries)

specifically, can i get or translate what comes back from the query into an actual security i can trade or associate with other data. i see that "MnATargetPermId" comes back. but how do i translate that to a ticker, or some other actually useful identifier?

i would think at worst there should be a translator/adapter for perm id i can call. at most there should be a native field in the screener or query that can deliver something besides permid.


Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    I checked and found that the Ticker and RIC fields may not be available in the Deals screener. You may need to contact the Eikon Excel or Eikon Screener support team via MyRefinitiv directly to confirm it.

    However, you can use Eikon Data API to convert PermIDs to RICs, as shown below.

    ek.get_data(list(map(str,  data["Acquiror PermID"].tolist())),["TR.RIC","TR.CommonName"])[0]

    However, some companies may not have RICs because they are private companies.


  • Hi @Jirapongse .

    I tried running your snippet on the data that I get back from my call and it fails.

    Can I ask you to provide a full working snippet, both of your initial get data call with the mna screen, AND with the subequent conversion you show? This way I can be 100% sure we are running the same code. Or maybe you didn't try running it yet, in which case, please try running it and make sure your suggestino works.

    thank you

  • @Jirapongse thanks for the pointer above.

    How do I find other fields with useful information besides










    I presume there are fields for Deal Price, or Deal Closing Date, and so on. I cannot find anything in Data Item Browser. where should i look to discover other fields I can pull in besides those above?

  • @mjg

    You can use Formula Builder in Eikon Excel. The fields are under Deals -> Mergers & Acquisitions category.


  • is there a difference between Formula Builder in Eikon Excel and the Data Item Browser?

    if so, and it is more useful than the Data Item Browswer, How do i get to the n Formula Builder in Eikon Excel screen in eikon?

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