rdp.search suddenly returns nothing

I am a regular user of rdp.search that was perfectly working for months.

For some reasons I do not understand, it returns now None whatever the query is.

IT_Bonds = rdp.search(view=rdp.SearchViews.FixedIncomeInstruments,

filter = "IssuerCountry eq 'IT' and \

Currency eq 'EUR' and DbType eq 'GOVT' and IsActive eq true and MaturityStandardYield lt 10",

select ="RIC, ISIN, IssuerName, MaturityDate, CouponRate,IndustrySector, MaturityStandardYield, FaceOutstandingUSD, OptionAdjustedDuration, AssetStatus",

top = 10000) => None

Even this simple metadata request returns nothing:
rdp.get_search_metadata(view = rdp.SearchViews.GovCorpInstruments) => None

We went through several troubleshootings with Refinitiv support:
-reboot of EIkon, reboot of machine, clear of cache, clear of IE browsing history...
-Check of rdp api: rdp api works on my pc as get_data calls work
-Run on Codebook: the same rdp.search queries work on Codebook
-Run same script by another user from Refinitiv: the same rdp.search queries work for him
-There were absolutely no installation or upgrade of the Python distribution or packages

Best Answer

  • pf
    Answer ✓

    Hi @fredgu ,

    A fix in API Proxy for Eikon 4 was delivered for all external users. It should fix the issue you have.

    If you restart Eikon 4, DATA API PROXY should be updated to the version.
    Check in Help>About Refinitiv Eikon menu:


    If you still having an older version, launch Clear Cache then restart Eikon 4, it should force the update:



  • Hi @fredgu ,

    I suspect you reached the daily limit of requests (in term of number and.or volume of retrieved data).

    You should activate log with debug level then check in log file if there is any error.

    You can also listen session errors to check if tjere is any issue with the connection.
    Is it a desktop or a platform session ?

  • Hi pf, thks for the reply.

    It is a desktop session. If the limit is daily, it should reset everyday unless there is persistence of limits from the previous day?

    I got this in the logs.

    2022-04-01 09:25:15,835 - httpx._client - DEBUG - HTTP Request: POST http://localhost:9060/api/rdp/discovery/search/v1/ "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized"

    How to make it "authorized" again?

  • @pf

    The client got http://localhost:9060/api/rdp/discovery/search/v1/ "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized". Please verify what the problem is.

  • hi @pf ,

    could you check the follow-up question from the client, please?