deals screener time record was added field

hi, is there a field in the deals screener for the timestamp the deal was added to the refinitiv dataset?

i know about


and i am looking for something more precise.

if there isn't a timestamp for date(time) added, maybe i can use a sequence number or something?..



Best Answer

  • raksina.samasiri
    Answer ✓

    hi @mjg ,

    as a reference, here's the message from the support team in the ticket,

    Upon working with our Specialist group I was advised that we do have a field called " Date Deal was Last Updated " on SCREENER app and that is the closest we have

    Data item: TR.MnADateDealWasLastUpdated

    Hope this helps


  • Hi @mjg ,

    Have you had a look for this field on the DIB? (Please try and opening that link in an incognito browser window if it fails otherwise. We were made aware of an issue viewing this video resolved via incognito browsing.)

    If that tool does not provide you with the answer you are after, please note that this forum is for API questions only, but you can ask content questions, such as this one, on my.refinitiv.

  • isn't the place to look for DEALS SCREENER potential valid fields inside the DEALS SCREENER window in eikon, specifically the 'data item library'?

    i thought the DIB isn't applicable to finding valid fields for a SCREENER or DEALS SCREENER. am i mistaken?

    this is where i think valid fields for a deals screener exist:

  • i am trying to post a 500 kb screenshot that is too large

  • i tried a 200kb jpeg and it says 'parsing response failed' lol

  • Hi @mjg ,

    My apologies for the image attaching issues you are experiencing. I have risen it to our Forum Website team.

    Would you have an example of an instrument for which you are looking for the 'timestamp the deal was added'?

  • for example yesterday with musk and twitter i get back from the screener



    date announced:


    target perm id:


    sdc deal no:


    instrument target:


    do these datapoints help you answer my question about the 'record created time'? how do i know if a deal is NEW? and WHEN it became new?

  • hello? can someone help?

  • Hi @mjg,

    Is the field you're after 'Date Deal was created in SDC Database'?

    If not, please note that this forum is for technical API-related questions, and this question is content-related; for such inquiries, please reach out to the helpdesk.

  • i am looking for a piece of data - either a timestamp of last update, or some kind of sequence number, i am looking for the most specific data i can find that can tell me EXACTLY how new or in what order the record was added

    i imagine sometimes a single deal is updated multiple times in the same day. if there is a sequence number or a timestamp, then i can tell if the record has been updated

    can you find such a field for me? i have tried and can't. if you can't find such a field, can you recommend a way to programmatically understand if anything has been updated in the record to know if something has changed?

  • Hi @mjg,

    This forum is for technical API questions. Since this is a content question, please reach out to the helpdesk.

  • hi @mjg,

    As suggested by Jonathan, regarding content questions, as this forum is dedicated to software developers using Refinitiv APIs and the moderators on this forum do not have deep expertise in every bit of content available through Refinitiv products, which is required to answer content questions such as this one.

    The best resource for content questions is the Refinitiv Helpdesk, which can be reached by either calling the Helpdesk number in your country or submitting a new ticket to the support team via MyRefinitiv.

    However, for this case, ticket number 11158112 was raised on your behalf and the support team is going to contact you soon.