Retrieve mapping of inactive SEDOLS to Organization Perm ID

Hi, I am looking to get a mapping of inactive SEDOLs to the organization Perm ID. I can see the /discovery/symbology/v1/lookup API is able to map identifiers to Organization PermID but for inactive SEDOLs, it requires one to pass in an effectivedate parameter?

Is there any way to retrieve a list of all inactive SEDOLS in one request? See below a small example of inactive sedols. Thanks.

"from": [

"identifierTypes": [



"values": [








"to": [

"objectTypes": [



"identifierTypes": [





"reference": [





"type": "auto"


Best Answer

  • RFielder
    Answer ✓

    Hello @danny.lo

    A showHistory feature was added last week to discovery/symbology/v1 API queries that will enable navigation between 2 entities through time. For example you can navigate from SEDOL to Organisation PermID and see which organisations the SEDOL was related to over time, see example below. Would this help with your use case?


    "from": [


    "identifierTypes": [



    "values": [





    "to": [


    "objectTypes": [



    "identifierTypes": [





    "reference": [





    "showHistory": true,

    "type": "auto"


    Note - in most cases the historical relationships between entities are only available back to early 2000s in discover/symbology/v1 API