Eikon Data API not reachable when using Refinitiv Workspace

Hi, I'm a long time user of the Eikon Data API (with Python) using the Eikon Desktop application. Our team is transitioning to Refinitiv Workspace, and we read that the Eikon Data API also works with Refinitiv Workspace (i.e. it also launches some kind of API proxy). However, I don't seem able to connect. I have tried port 9000, 9060, and 36036.

I am using Windows 10. I installed Workspace on my personal macOS machine, and the API proxy works perfectly there.

How can I debug this? Can I verify that the API proxy is running somewhere? Am I missing something?


  • Hi @tr105,

    You can verify if the API Proxy responds by sending a status from a browser. For example:


    Upon startup of Refinitiv Workspace, the port should be made available within a .portInUse file. On Windows 10, the port can be found in: %APPDATA%/Refinitiv/Data API Proxy/.portInUse

  • The portInUse file contains 9060 on my machine, but i'm getting 'connection refused' when trying to connect to the below URL. Same on port 9000. Any way I can debug this? Workspace itself is running fine.

  • @nick.zincone

    The portInUse file contains 9060 on my machine, but i'm getting 'connection refused' when trying to connect to localhost:9060/api/status. Same on port 9000. Any way I can debug this? Workspace itself is running fine.

    Remarkably ; it works on my macOS machine, but all my colleagues have the same problem that they can't connect to the API on their Windows machines.

  • @nick.zincone any update on this? Please see my replies. Your forum system has threatened to close this thread for lack of replies, but i'm still in the dark as to what is going wrong.
  • Hi @tr105

    Are you using the exact same login credentials on Mac and Windows? What I've observed is that users that don't have the API variant assigned to their account will not be able to fulfill a status request. Can you try the following instead:


    and provide the same port that is populated within the .portInUse file after restarting Workspace.

    And for comparisons, can you do the same on the Mac? The location of the .portInUse file on a Mac is:

    ~/Library/Application Support/Refinitiv/Data API Proxy/.portInUse
  • Yes, i'm using the exact same Refinitiv account on both Windows and macOS.

    I tried to find the .portInUse file on macOS but the 'Data API Proxy' directory does not exist within the Refinitiv directory... I looked around the directory structure but couldn't find it anywhere else, either.

    Still getting connection refused when calling the '/ping?all' endpoint on Windows.

    Any idea what this can be? I checked with my colleagues, and they also can't connect on Windows.

  • Hi @tr105

    Given you can't even ping indicates your are not using the correct port or their may be an issue with the desktop software on Windows where the desktop proxy isn't starting. The best route is to involve desktop support to ensure the software is properly installed. Within Workspace, you can click on F1, or under help, pull up the "Help and Support" tab to reach a desktop agent to confirm your setup.

  • Hi @tr105

    Regarding MacOS, can you provide a listing of the Refinitv directory? I want to follow up to ensure I have this information corrected. I provided a suggestion below regarding the issues you are observing on Windows.

  • tree.txt

    Sure. I attached the output of the `tree` command relative to directory /Users/me/Library/Application Support/Refinitiv

    Is that what you meant?