Is there any possibility to retrieve Market Psych Data via Eikon Data API - Python?

Is there any possibility to retrieve Market Psych Data via Eikon Data API - PYTHON?


Best Answer

  • raksina.samasiri
    Answer ✓

    hi @alekseenkova.marina ,

    Sorry for the inconvenience you have faced, as the MarketPsych Data shown in the application is provided by the third party (MarketPsych Data) so, to retrieve this data using an API, please contact the third party directly via the support contact provided (in screenshot below)


    Hope this could help


  • hi @alekseenkova.marina ,

    according to an answer in this thread, my colleague mentioned the below

    Most of the moderators on this forum are not content experts - and I personally am not familiar at all with MarketPsych.

    Your best bet would be to create a Content Ticket at MyRefinitiv to get advice from a MarketPsych content expert.

    A specialist on the desktop trading team did share some 'MarketPsych' code on a teams channel - but not sure this is what you would be after - sharing below just in case:

    # Connection String - 
    import refinitiv.dataplatform.eikon as ek
    #Example to get constituent data from a 
    df, err = ek.get_data("0#SOC-RAPOIL", "DSPLY_NAME")
    rics = df["Instrument"].tolist()
    df,err = ek.get_data(rics,["CF_NAME","CF_LAST", "SEC_ACT_1","VALUE_DT1","VALUE_TS1"])

    df, err = ek.get_data("0#SOC-RAPOIL", ["CF_NAME","CF_LAST", "SEC_ACT_1","VALUE_DT1","VALUE_TS1"])

    List = ek.get_data("0#/.FTAI", "DSPLY_NAME")
    rics = List[0]
    NamesList = rics['Instrument'].astype(str).values.tolist()
    df,err = ek.get_data(NamesList,["TR.CompanyName", "TR.ICBIndustry"])
  • raksina.samasiri, I have already created a Content Ticket at MyRefinitiv. Their answer was: Unfortunately, API's are not handled by helpdesk but we do have our developer community where you can raise this query. Please visit below link

  • The presented code does not retrieve Market Psych Data.

  • Unfortunately the data can't be retrieved via Eikon api.

    Direct data access is only for data subscribers which is a separate Refinitiv subscription.

    I have recevied the answer from MarketPsych