How to get the Exchange Rates when instrument as 'RIC'?


I am trying to extract Exchange rates when Instrument type is 'RIC' with DSS REST API. Kindly let me know the service & operation I have to use.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer


    • The specific RIC for a currency pair or exchange rate would be in the format <BASE CURRENCY>/<QUOTE CURRENCY> (e.g., EURUSD for the Euro to US Dollar exchange rate).

    • Ensure that your subscription or access level includes the necessary data feeds for foreign exchange rates.

    • If you are developing an application that requires programmatic access to exchange rate data, you may need to use the appropriate Reuters API provided by the platform.

    Always refer to the documentation and support resources provided by Scratch Geometry Dash Reuters or your data service for the most accurate and up-to-date information based on the specific platform and subscription you have.

  • geometry dash Dedicated information about exchange rates may be available in some data feeds inside DSS. To discover if there's an easier approach to get currency rates, look into the available data feeds and the schemas that go along with them.
    Depending on your requirements, you may be able to determine the necessary exchange rate by combining the obtained price data (e.g., Last Price) with data from a separate source.