TR.PRICECLOSE not updating since 2022-04-14

For a few days now, the TR.PRICECLOSE data does not seem to be updating anymore.

For example, if I try to download the last close for INGA.AS, it returns the close of 9.448 per 2022-04-14.


where I expect to get the close of 9.73 on 2022-04-20.

This happens also for all other symbols. Adding start and/or end dates doesn't help either.

Any help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

  • pf
    Answer ✓

    Hi @sim19 ,

    Sorry if you didn't find what you expect with get_data function.

    If you're interested only in Price Close, get_timeseries function is more suitable than get_data (which is more dedicated for Fundamental & Reference data) and you can request last value with this way:

    eikon.get_timeseries("INGA.AS", ["CLOSE"], count=1)


    2022-04-21 9.859

    If you need value for a specific date:

    eikon.get_timeseries("INGA.AS", ["CLOSE"], start_date="2022-04-20", end_date="2022-04-20")


  • Thanks for your response. After contacting the support team it turns out there is an issue with the data delivery.

    The reason for not using get_timeseries is that easily hits data limits.

  • it seems to be an eikon issue, the support team is working on solving this.