BUG Eikon python package : using get_timeseries method with start_date > end_date

HI team,

There is a strange behavior when we use get_timeseries method with start_date > end_date, It raise an AttributeError and not a ValueError. This happens since you raise seems to raise the ValueError inside a context manager as following (your code in eikon.time_series.py):


Since str has no attribute __enter__, you can't raise that expected ValueError.

To reproduce the issue (eikon version 1.1.14):

import eikon as ek
import datetime

date_format = "%Y%m%d"
start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime("20220415", date_format)
end_date = datetime.datetime.strptime("20220414", date_format)

result = self.connection.get_timeseries(
fields=["OPEN", "CLOSE"],


Best Answer

  • raksina.samasiri
    Answer ✓

    Hi @guillaume.lefur ,

    I've tested that this code is run successfully on Eikon Data API version 1.1.16


    Hence, I'm closing this thread, please create a new question in case you have any further question


  • hi @guillaume.lefur ,

    Would you mind changing the code from

    result = self.connection.get_timeseries(


    result = ek.get_timeseries(

    I've tried it and got an exception ValueError as the screenshot below


    Please let me know in case you have any further questions

  • About self.connection, it's an intern usage equivalent to your ek (i.e self.connection == ek), but the issue is not here.

    And from our screenshot, its an AttributeError that has been raised, not a ValueError. ValueError is visible in your code indeed, but that's not the raised error (look at your traceback...)

  • @guillaume.lefur

    Yes, you are correct. It should throw the ValueError, not the AttributeError. I have submitted a new case on your behalf to the Eikon Data API support team to verify the code. The case number is 11165341.

    The support team will contact you regarding this issue.

  • @guillaume.lefur issue has been fixed on Eikon Data API v1.1.16 and it's ready on pyp, please upgrade your library to have a test.