Translate eikon types to worldscope datastream types


How can I find the correct ticker from a eikon ticker towards a datastream worldscope ticker

Examples of searched types:





Kind regards,



Best Answer

  • zoya faberov
    Answer ✓

    Helllo @tom.dhaene and all,

    Conveying the findings from case #11188317 :

    "Your query was endorsed to me as I support Datastream in Eikon.
    To look for Worldscope datatypes, you can launch the Datatype Browser by clicking the Datatypes Button in your Datastream Excel addin:

    Then on set the Categories to Equities and Source to Worldscope, then type in the Keywords, see sample below:

    Here are the items that I found:
    WC09402 - Dividend Yield - Current (Security)
    WC18191 - Earnings Before Interest And Taxes (EBIT)

    Please note that there is no equivalent for TR.DPSActValue as this is sourced from IBES Estimates as well as TR.DPSSmartEst sourced from Smart Estimates. The world scope data items do not have ESTIMATES data as it is based on the Company Financials.


  • Hello @tom.dhaene ,

    This forum can be of more help to you with question on API usage. The majority of the members are developers working with Refintiv APIs, the moderators of this forum are Refinitiv API experts, and do not have the in-depth knowledge about many types of content, that is made available by Refintiv.

    For the expert help with questions on Refinitiv content, as a customer, the best approach is to submit them to Refintiiv content experts directly, by submitting on Refinitiv Helpdesk Online -> Content.

    For this question, I have opened case #11188317 on your behalf, please expect to be contacted by our content experts via email soon.