Python API does not work

Python API does not work.
1) For some of the tickers, I am not able to extract the data using Excel Plugin but the same doesn’t seem to work with Python API. As I have to store the data directly to my Database, I need the info available via Python API as well. E.g. TRNLTTFYc1 .
2) When trying to extract US rates, I am getting an error message that I am not authorised to get the data.

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓


    The get_data method in the Eikon Data API (Python) can extract the same data as the =TR function in Eikon Excel. Therefore, if the =TR formula doesn't work in Eikon Excel, it should not work in the Eikon Data API.

    You need to contact the Eikon Excel support team to confirm if it is possible to extract the required data through the =TR function in Eikon Excel. If it is possible, we can convert the Eikon Excel formula to Python code.

    For the second question, it could be a permission issue. Please contact the Eikon support team to verify your permission.