How to measure the size of the data acquired by get_timeseries regarding Eikon Python Data Limit

We are trying to figure out how to measure the size of the tick data acquired by get_timeseries regarding the Eikon Data API Usage Limits. For example, if I am requesting only TIMESTAMP, VALUE and VOLUME of a RIC and acquired 10 trade ticks from the response. What is the total size of the data I received? Thanks.


Best Answer

  • zoya faberov
    Answer ✓

    Hello @leiy ,

    The number of requests per day and per second should be straightforward to capture for the specific application.

    The volume per day can be more challenging to estimate, and I would size it roughly:

    • Strings in Python are stored as up to 4 bytes per character
    • Floats and integers I would estimate at 8 bytes for simplicity, however, there are variations and you may wish to refer to Understanding Data Types in Python, toward the bottom, for the range for the complete details on each specific type of number type.

    Hope this info is of help


  • Hello @leiy

    Per Eikon Data API Usage and Limits Guideline

    "Datapoints returned per request - A datapoint is a 'cell', or a unique field value for a unique instrument on a unique time stamp "

    If the shape of your response is 4x10, it's 40 datapoints.

  • Thanks Zoya.

    How about the day limit below:

    Daily Limits

    • Requests per day - The number of requests sent to the platform per day via the Eikon Data APIs cannot exceed this limit. This number of requests is counted across all client applications connected to the same Eikon instance.The current limit values (10-Oct-2019) are 10,000 requests per day and 5 requests per second.
    • Response volume per day - The volume (size) of data retrieved from the platform per day cannot exceed this limit. This volume of data is counted across all client applications connected to the same Eikon instance.The current limit values (10-Oct-2019) are 5 GB per day and 50 MB per minute.

    It says 5 GB per day. How shall I measure the size in my case?