`DSPLY_NAME` field for bonds suddenly contains weird trailing character (`get_data` API)

E.g. requesting DSPLY_NAME for `US207609986=` suddenly gives me `NETFLIX/d`. Note the trailing '/d' character. I have not seen this before, and is the case for many more bonds like SE234222783=, and US234351052=

This never happened before, and used to work fine. Can you tell me what changed? I don't want to add loads of code to sanitise API responses...

I'm using the desktop API of Refinitiv Workspace over HTTP.


Best Answer

  • umer.nalla
    Answer ✓

    Hi @tr105

    With regards to my suggestion of speaking to your internal market data; for some organisations, the real-time data is sourced by Eikon from an internal ADS - others from a direct Refinitiv managed feed - hence my suggestion of contacting your Market data team - just to check.

    As I said, my suggestion could just be a red herring - I just know that the /d is often related to delayed RICs.

    Neither I nor my colleague can recreate the problem, so it is unlikely to be an API issue.

    I have raised a ticket with the Eikon Helpdesk for you.


  • hi @tr105 ,

    Could you please provide the code you have been using and the screenshot of an output for further investigation.

    I've tried to execute get_data to get the field DSPLY_NAME of instruments you have mentioned but cannot reproduce the issue


  • I'm using the eikon-1.1.15 pypi package.

    Note that I'm using Refinitiv Workspace and not Eikon (on MacOS).


  • Hi @tr105

    It may be worth asking your internal Market Data team where they source real-time data from - as DSPLY_NAME is a real-time field - and if they using delayed data?

    Certainly, in terms of RIC codes, the /d is often used to indicate delayed data...But, I have never seen it added to the DSPLY_NAME field - so it could just be a red herring I am throwing at you...just the /d seems too much of a coincidence.

  • Hi @umer.nalla ,

    Thanks for your reply.

    What do you mean internal market data team? I'm using the API directly, using the refinitiv eikon python package (see screenshot below for a code example). None of my corp's teams have anything to with this.

    The '/d' characters weren't in the API responses before, and they suddenly appeared without any changes on our side. Note that in the code pasted below I do not provide any arguments other than the RIC and field of interest (no SDate and the like).

    Appreciate your help


  • Reply from refinitiv support:

    After coordinating with our Entitlement team, they had confirmed that User ID: [redacted]@[redacted].com has access to delayed data only for instruments <US207609986=>, <SE234222783=>, and <US234351052=> and that is why you are getting </d> on the Display name.
    Our Product Specialists team also confirmed that it's nothing related to API. If you open the delayed RIC on Quote app, you may see such name with </d>.
    For example on the screenshot below, I used </SE234222783=> which is the RIC for delayed data, I get <SAGAX EURO/d>. It's expected behavior and pattern as this is how content teams are marking delayed RICs.

  • Reply from refinitiv support:

    After coordinating with our Entitlement team, they had confirmed that User ID: [redacted]@[redacted].com has access to delayed data only for instruments <US207609986=>, <SE234222783=>, and <US234351052=> and that is why you are getting </d> on the Display name.
    Our Product Specialists team also confirmed that it's nothing related to API. If you open the delayed RIC on Quote app, you may see such name with </d>.
    For example on the screenshot below, I used </SE234222783=> which is the RIC for delayed data, I get <SAGAX EURO/d>. It's expected behavior and pattern as this is how content teams are marking delayed RICs.