Request a full list of all companies from Eikon

Dear Developer Community,

i was wondering if there was any update on the ability to request a full list of all companies of the Eikon universe? The Advanced Search from the Eikon App claims 4.102.550 results when search for companies without any filters, however, an export is not possible (well not by export 10k companies at each time). I have seen a few posts from a couple of years in this forum, however, the answers don't really satisfy me yet, as the lists are quite small comparing what is available.

Thanks in advance and with best regards


Best Answer

  • zoya faberov
    Answer ✓

    Hello @schoen ,

    It may be helpful to describe more of your use case for a full list of all companies of the Eikon universe, what is the next step in the required workflow, as this information may allow us to better suggest among the available approaches?

    To my best knowledge, there is no such list.

    The approach for instrument list identification, that is included with Eikon and is suitable for most single user use cases in Eikon Screener. Find more on screener in article Find Your Right Companies with SCREENER | Eikon Data APIs(Python) Screener has limitation.

    Another approach to identifying instruments that has become available relatively recently is Refinitv Data Library Python and Search. Please see article Building Search into your Application Workflow and View=Instruments.

    In order to create and keep up to date the largest instrument lists, more toward Enterprise use cases such as Security Master requirement, a Reference Data product is more suitable, thinking of Refinitiv DataScope Select.

    You may additionally verify that I am not missing anything by engaging Eikon content experts directly, via Refinitiv Helpdesk Online -> Content -> Eikon