Getting Error message - ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)

df, err = ek.get_timeseries(["AUD="], start_date='2022-05-12T15:00:00', end_date='2022-05-12T15:30:00', interval='tick',
fields=['TIMESTAMP', 'VALUE', 'HIGH', 'LOW', 'OPEN', 'CLOSE'])

print(tabulate(df, headers='keys', tablefmt='fancy_grid'))

Best Answer

  • Gurpreet
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Atul.Sanwal,

    The get_timeseries API call does not return a tupple like get_data call. Please use following syntax:

    df = ek.get_timeseries("AUD=", start_date='2022-05-12T15:00:00', end_date='2022-05-12T15:30:00', interval='tick')


  • now i am getting the following error : ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)

  • it actually worked after i changed
    df, err= ek.get_timeseries to
    df =ek.get_timeseries
  • just one more question, is there a way to get fx mid using timeseries function or bid/ask values

  • df = ek.get_timeseries("JPY=", 'TR.ASKPRICE', 'TR.BIDPRICE',start_date= '2022-05-12T15:00:00',end_date= '2022-05-12T15:10:00', interval='tick')
    print(tabulate(df, headers='keys', tablefmt='fancy_grid'))
  • hi @Atul.Sanwal ,

    Those fields aren't available in the get_timeseries request


    To get the bid and ask values of JPY=, I
    would recommend you look at the newer RD Library for Python - which is currently in Beta and
    due for release in the coming months.

    It should have much-improved
    error/session handling than RDP Library once it is released and the data available in Eikon Data API is also available there.

    It will also have fuller
    documentation - I have been advised by the RD Library team that they are
    awaiting the completion of the documentation to confirm the release date.

    To try using this and discovering RD Library, you can open its code example in the Codebook app on the Eikon desktop and check in the directory below

    • __Examples__/01. Data Retrieval & Discovery/01.01. Refinitiv Data Library/EX_01_01_02__Access__Get_History.ipynb1652426304036.png

    Please let me know in case you have any questions

  • actually i am trying to do a fx comparison between our broker rates vs refiniiv's rates, was wondering If i get JPY = 128.48 asof 13th May at London 4pm, how will i get the rate for the same timezone from refinitiv, also, how many Counts it will deliver, the objective is to compare like for like

  • rd.set_app_key('cccb21291cc14760a9174f5be2abb75478e0a81')

    also i am getting error in this line