How to get the Operational items by finer frequency than annual

I am looking for the availability of some operation items of firms including (Total Assets Turnover- WC08401, Inventory Turnover -WC08136) with a frequency finer than annually from Datastream (quarterly, monthly). It is still great if it is only available in some specific industries or in some regions.

Best regards.


Best Answer

  • zoya faberov
    Answer ✓

    Hello @PhilNguyen ,

    I hear you and understand the doubt.

    For the insight on the specific Datastream content that you require, in total agreement with the suggestion from @Jirapongse, you would be best helped by out Datastream support via Refinitiv Helpdesk Online -> Content -> Datastream who will connect you with the relevant content expert to help clarify the Datastream content as seen and to advise on the best selection of the content, per your requirement.


  • Hello @PhilNguyen ,

    You can request something like:

    ds.get_data(tickers='VOD, KO:SGL', fields=['WC08401','WC08401A','WC08136','WC08140'], start='-3Y', freq='Q')

    Only some of the data points are available, from what I see on my test:


  • Hello @zoya faberov

    Thank you for your answer, but I cast doubt on the accuracy. If we can see, the data for theeach quarter are totally similar. And I also conducted a check by myself for Indonesia data. It shows that Datastream show the quarterly data equalling to the annual data, which seems to be incorrect.

    For example, a company A has the total asset turnover in the year 2018 is 0.91. When I retrieve the quarterly data for this company, the results show the 0.91 for every quarter for this company. That;s why I am casting doubt about the data accuracy.



  • @PhilNguyen

    I checked and found the suffix 'A' can be added to the Worldscope data types. The suffix 'A' represents interim.

    The code looks like this:

    ds.get_data(tickers='KO:SGL', fields=['WC08421','WC08421A'], start='-3Y', freq='Q')


    However, you need to contact the Datastream support team directly via MyRefinitiv to verify the suffix usages and meanings.