How can I get the country of domicle from this page


I search the company name Attis Industries Inc in the top left window and it returns me this results.

How can I get the country of domicile using CODEBOOK. Is this what I can get by using the function like this?




Best Answer

  • umer.nalla
    Answer ✓

    Hi @sihan4

    As explained in this article -Searching for KungFu Bonds (Chinese-issued U.S. dollars bonds) with RDP Libraries - Search function | Refinitiv Developers - you can export the query from the Eikon/Workspace Search tool into Codebook format.



    The format of the above Codebook output is currently using the older RDP Library.
    However, if you note from the Search Example Notebooks in Codebook, they are now using the newer RD Library - which requires some changes to the above query e.g.

    response = search.Definition(
        view = search.SearchViews.ORGANISATIONS,
        query = "ATTIS INDUSTRIES INC",
    filter = "( SearchAllCategoryv2 eq 'Companies/Issuers')",
        top = 10,
        select = "CommonName,Gics,RCSOriginalAccountsCurrencyLeaf,PrimaryRIC,Orgid,BondsCount,CdsCount,EquitiesCount,FundsCount,FuturesCount,LoanCount,MortgagesCount,OptionsCount,WarrantsCount,OAPermID,OwnershipExists,OrganisationStatus,MktCapCompanyUsd,RCSFilingCountryLeaf,RCSTRBC2012Leaf,UltimateParentOrganisationOrgid,UltimateParentCompanyOAPermID,RatingX1XRatingRank,BusinessEntity,PI,SearchAllCategoryv3,SearchAllCategoryv2,SearchAllCategory,DTSubjectName,UltimateParentOrganisationName,DTSimpleType,RCSOrganisationSubTypeLeaf,RCSCountryHeadquartersLeaf"

    I can see from the output that the RCSCountryHeadquartersLeaf value contains the country of domicile value.


  • Thanks very much for your help! That is exactly what I want.

    Another trivial question is whether the country of domicile information is static and is there a way of obtaining dynamic country information just like time-series stock price. Thanks in advance!

  • Thanks very much for your help, Umer! That is exactly what I want.

    Another trivial question is whether the country of domicile information is static and is there a way of obtaining dynamic country information just like time-series stock price. Thanks in advance!

  • Hi @sihan4

    I am not sure what you mean by time-series stock price data - time-series for me means historical data for an instrument going back days or years etc.

    In terms of your country information - are you looking for historical country of domicile data or do you mean getting live updates when the domicile data changes?

    Live updating data makes sense for market price data which changes frequently and is delivered by a live streaming feed - which required the consuming application to maintain a constant live connection in order to receive update events as and when there is market movement. This would not be appropriate for something like country of domicile data which does not change that often.

  • Thanks very much for your explanation. That basically answers my questions. Thanks.