How coud I retrieve NDA_RAW.Nda_date and NDA_RAW.Nda_volume via Python Eikon Data API properly?

I tried the following formula but it retrieved NA:

ek.get_timeseries(rics=['MPAA.O'], fields=['NDA_RAW.Nda_date','NDA_RAW.Nda_volume'], start_date='2005-01-01',end_date= '2005-03-22', interval = 'daily')

Your colleague advised me usind NDA_RAW.Nda_volume because it is more accurate than other indicators of volume.

Best Answer

  • raksina.samasiri
    Answer ✓

    hi @alekseenkova.marina ,

    The field 'NDA_RAW' is only available on RHistory function in the Eikon Excel, not the Eikon Data API, to retrieve the same value, you can use the code below.

    df, err = ek.get_data('MPAA.O', ['', 'TR.ACCUMULATEDVOLUME'], 
    {'SDate':'2005-01-01', 'EDate':'2005-03-22', 'Frq':'D'})

    Here's the output, it's matched with the output from RHistory function


    Hope this helps
