DSS Rest call for Corporate Actions with filter

I am using the Extractions/ExtractWithNotes endpoint to get corporate actions for a list of instruments and a set timeframe.

I believe there is a feature in the API to use filters.

What is the syntax to add a filter to the ExtractionRequest? For example, if I only want to retrieve records where "Capital Change Event Type" = 21 or 80

(N.b. 21 is the ID for a stock split; 80 is a stock dividend, same stock)

Thanks very much

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    You can refer to the REST API Reference Tree for the list of available parameters of extraction requests.

    For example, the CorporateActionsStandardExtractionRequest has the following parameters.


    You can set the values and select JSON Model to see the request message in JSON format.

    I couldn't see a parameter that can be used to filter the data by the Event Type. However, you can contact the DataScope support team directly via MyRefinitiv to confirm it.
