Dex2 Initialization Failed.


I'm currently pulling historic data into an excel document, but every time I attempt to refresh, I receive the error "Dex2 Initialization Failed."

This error has not appeared before, and I have made no changes since the last time it succeeded. I am signed into the Refinitiv Eikon desktop app as well as the Excel add-in

Here's the formula I'm using:

=@TR("CMCU0,CMSN0,MAL0,MNI0,MPB0,MZN0","TR.OFFICIALASKPRICE,","SDate=2017-01-01,Edate=2030-01-01 CH=Fd RH=IN")

And here's a picture of the error:


Side question: Is there a function to use for the EDate field that simply references the current date? Right now I'm referencing a future date as a workaround and removing the duplicates afterwards.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you!


Best Answer

  • zoya faberov
    Answer ✓

    Hello @nathen.gildow ,

    Your question is about Eikon Excel issue and the available functionality, rather then about Datastream API integration.

    The best approach is to reach out to Eikon support directly, by submitting Eikon Excel question via Refinitiv Helpdesk Online -> Product -> Eikon rather then post on dev forums.

    To be of help, I have opened a support case on your behalf, case#11242826 , please expect an Eikon support expert to reach out to you shortly, via email address that you have registered on developers portal with.



  • Hello @nathen.gildow and all,

    Conveying the resolution from the case:

    "...issue seems to resolve itself. Basic instructions to trouble shoot the issue was still sent to client ... if issue re-occurs"