DPS enhancement request SC #10844601

Hi team,

I tried to get in touch with you via e-mail, without success. Since this is the only way to contact you - at least what I am aware of - I am using this channel now:

Can you please give me a status update regarding the enhancement request SC #10844601.

Is it possible for me to access the SC request somehow?

Thank you


Best Answer

  • zoya faberov
    Answer ✓

    Hello @el01 ,

    Please note, that this forum is intended for API usage questions, moderators are developers, experts in Refinitiv APIs, your question is off-topic, I am just trying to help.

    On my side, I see the same as you, case #10844601. It is phrased as a question. It remains "work n progress".

    One other thing I can think of is, have you submitted the enhancement request via Feedback form? In that case, your submission should not be trackable as support case, all follow-up is individual by the means that you have selected when it was submitted, from email and phone.

    However, the enhancements that are requested and brought to the attention of the respective product leadership, are consequently categorized and prioritized. Depending on the team resource availability, how many clients are requesting the same enhancement, and how much effort it is estimated at, the enhancement as requested may be planned.


    Is the database you attempting to connect to programmatically, your local DACS?

    If that is the case, the recommended and supported connectivity for programmatic integration are Open DACS API and, via product, Open DACS Permission Server; for administrative connectivity- using DACS UI and over DACS Admin WS.

    I hope that this information helps.


  • Hi @el01 ,

    I see the case on our side and the status is "work in progress".

    When you go to My Refintiv, sign in, and select "Support Tickets" option on the left, do you also see this case on your side? Just in case, you may wish to select Filters option, and remove all filters, as any filters selected before remain applied till they are cleared explicitly.

  • No, I don´t see enhancement request SC #10844601, only the ticket I created myself in advance (see attached image).my-refinitiv-support-tickets.png

  • I don´t have any filters active. At the moment the only thing I would like to know is, whether or not a timeline has been set up already.

  • Thanks for your help. Sorry for using the wrong channel for my question, I now try the Feedback form.

    By the way this is the third channel that I try just to get a status update.