Please assist with a 401 Unauthorized status issue on all POST queries.

World Check One API
Good day team,

We are trying to retrieve articles/articleIds for a case system id, but all the POST queries are failing with a status code of 401. Please see below:



Best Answer

  • mushfiqah.benjamin,

    Thank you for reaching out to us!

    The reason you may be getting a 401 response code is because the body of your POST request is empty. Next to the tab "Pre-request Script", kindly populate the body as:


    "articleIds": [






    The above body request should be in JSON format and the endpoint should contain a case-system-id as well with the POST request.

    Furthermore, omit the Pre-request Script as suggested by the API end point "SEQ-case-mediacheck-articles-content: Work with MediaCheck articles content". This is the API endpoint you are trying to get an OK reponse for.

    To get more insight into our API endpoints, I would suggest you explore our schema with the following link, please register if you have not done so;

    Please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions.

    Best regards,
