client cannot get RKD data with error: 500 Internal Server Error

Client get news headline with following coding:


then, get the error as below:

500 Internal Server Error: [{"Fault":{"Code":{"Value":"s:Sender","Subcode":{"Value":"a:Gateway_Validation_RequestError"}},"Reason":{"Text":{"lang":"en-US","Value":"The property 'FreeTextConstraint' has invalid child property 'O... (409 bytes)]

but, when use below coding, there is no error.


Please advise what the reason is and how to fix it.



Best Answer

  • raksina.samasiri
    Answer ✓

    Hi ,

    Could you try changing the value in the 'where' parameter from 'Headline' to 'headline'?

    I've tried and no error is found. However, if you have any further questions regarding the content, The best approach is to reach out to the RKD support directly to RKD support.

