How can I search for related properties for specific data field?

I'm using Refinitiv Workspace.

I know "TR.F.BUSEXTREVASR" has some properties like fperiod and segment name.


How can I find other related properties?

Searched in Data Items and formula builder in excel but it shows nothing.


Best Answer

  • nick.zincone
    Answer ✓

    Hi @wenjun.xia

    Within the (DIB) Data Item Browser, normally you locate your specific field then on the right, choose "Parameters". You can view the available properties for the selected field. For example:



  • Thanks, Nick. But I cannot even find TR.F.BUSEXTREVASR in DIB. If you look at business segment financials for Japanese companies such as 6201.T. TR.F.BUSEXTREVASR is the field Refinitiv suggests, so I wonder where can I get more information for the field.

  • Hi @wenjun.xia

    It doesn't appear to be in there. I would suggest you use the "Help and Support" or click "F1" where you can reach a desktop specialist. They can investigate this missing field.