Get news headline/content from Elektron through trial VPN environment

Our client tries to get news headline/news content through trial VPN environment. Since it is not production environment, I believe that the client is able to subscribe TR news headline/contents. I understand that the client cannot subscribe any 3rd party news through trial environment. Does someone have any idea why the client cannot get TR news headline/content? if you can provide developer's guide for news feed from Elektron, could you let me know it?


  • Please see the answer here.

    Basically, there are tutorials in the EMA tutorials section:

    EMA C++ - MRN

    EMA Java - MRN

    However, I'm not sure if trial VPN has Machine Readable News service or not.

  • Can you give a little bit more detail about the VPN trial environment, we have several VPN access options and it's difficult to answer without having more detail.


  • Are you are looking to subscribe "classic" news content, New 2000?

    If this is the case, to subscribe to the news headlines stream, please use RIC "N2_UBMS" and to subscribe to a news story, start with RIC that is a story identifier called PNAC, found in the corresponding headline.

    Please refer for the details to the Elektron Edge Programmer Guide, found on Customer Zone

    Elektron Edge Programmer Guide

  • Please note that N2_UBMS will be deprecated in the near future.

    Therefore, if your client is embarking on a new development they should be using MRN_STORY as detailed in the above MRN tutorial links.

    If they are already trying to consume MRN data,then please note that there is a dependency on certain versions of EDGE device and TREP in order to support the new NEWS_TEXT_ANALYTICS data type - so perhaps the trial VPN environment is still using an older EDGE device?

  • Thanks Umer,

    Totally agree, and good question.

    Does not makes sense to use N2_UBMS, to be deprecated, for new development, subscribing MRN news should be the way to go for the client.