JET 2 Quotes.onUpdate not firing in a new client machine - What to whitelist?


I have an Angular app, consumed in Eikon Desktop Container,

the app displayes quotes for some RICs (permission are in place)

App is working as expected in an old machine.

Requirement now to deploy the same in a new machine, onUpdate is never firing there.

What url should we whiteliste at the new machine ?

Below are a screenshots of logs, for the same app, in the old environment and the new one.



Best Answer

  • chavalit-jintamalit
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Sahar.Merheb

    How did you launch the app?

    What is your app container name?

    I can check if the app container is configured properly (with JET API access).


  • @Sahar.Merheb

    Please refer to the Refinitiv Eikon Networking guide.

    You can also test with the JET.js API Demo.


    The Quotes Plugin examples shoule work.


  • Jirapongse, Thank you for sharing the Networking guide!

    As for verifying that Quotes plugin is working, it is indeed:

    • it's working with the exact same code, hosted in a pre-existing server.
    • and I double checked via JET.js API Demo as advised.
    • However, it s not, through the new app container.

    Brief: from the same end-user machine, user is opening the two Eikon Apps having the exact same code:

    • Old app pointing to the old server: Quotes plugin is working fine
    • New app pointing to the new server: Quotes plugin is not returning data

    I'm aware that this is a client-side library, but having the behavior described above,

    I'm wondering whether hosting in a new environment might require some whitelisting.

    Excuse me please if the answer is in the shared guide, I did check the guide actually however didn't manage to find it.

    Thank you!

  • Clarification: When using terms: Old and New machine in the screenshots above, I'm referring to the hosting server of each app and not the end-user machine.

    Logs screenshots above are both retrieved from the same end-user machine - Sorry for any confusion this might have caused

  • hi @chavalit-jintamalit,

    • New container name, with JET issue: FX BLOTTER UAT
    • Old container name: CBM FX Blotter

    Both apps are deployed on client premises, I ask the client to launch the app, since it's only accessible through their Network.

    Thank you!

  • Hi @Sahar.Merheb


    Please contact your App Studio partner to fix it.

    I believe you can contact "Suraj Rai" and he can help you with this issue.

  • Thank you for your help Chavalit! Request is now with EikonAppStore Dev Team