Possible BrkRecLabel and RecEstValue Data Errors

I was recently pulling price targets and recommendations using Reuters Eikon Python API. I have been cross checking returned results with some brokerage research I have available to me. I noticed that Reuters has been returning incorrect grade ratings and grade names for too many companies.
For example, on 6/8/2022, Wells Fargo published a note stating their grade for BBBY was Underweight, but Eikon returns Neutral/3 (even though price target date is updated). Similar mistakes also occurred recently for DIS, W, AAP, WSM, NFLX, and PARA from Wells Fargo, as well as for other brokerages.

Here is the code I use to pull the data:

import json

symbol_list = ['BBBY.O']
fields = [
'TR.TPEstValue', 'TR.TPEstValue.date',
'TR.BrkRecLabel', 'TR.TPEstvalue.analystname',
'TR.RecEstValue', 'TR.BrkRecEstConfirmDate'
data = ek.get_data(instruments=symbol_list, fields=fields, raw_output=True)
print(json.dumps(data, indent=2, sort_keys=True)

Here is the returned results for WF on BBBY:


Here is the actual grade name and grade number from the WF note:

Ive noticed that a lot of the times the price target will be updated but sometimes the grade is forgotten about. This seems to be a data issue, but please let me know if I am pulling the wrong fields or have another issue.



Best Answer


  • Hello @bshapiro ,

    Refinitiv developer forums are designated for API usage questions and discussions. My understanding is that you would like to verify Eikon content, that you access via Eikon Data API Python. Suggest to engage with Refinitiv content experts directly, by submitting your question via Refinitiv Helpdesk Online -> Content -> Eikon, so the right content expert can be assign to look into the suspected discrepancy in content.

    If you are not able to proceed as suggested, please let us know, and will give a hand by opening on your behalf.

  • Hi, thank you for taking the time to respond. I have reached out to the HelpDesk and have not received a response to my tickets. Can you verify the tickets are open? The case is: 11302953

  • Hello @bshapiro ,

    Additionally (please note I am a developer, so rely on Data Item Browser lookup capability rather then on my content expertise), I notice that there are two similar-looking grades, broker-specific:


    and standardized:


    you can also review the results per instruments, on your side:

    fields = ['TR.TPEstvalue.brokername',
    data,err = ek.get_data(instruments=['BBBY.O'], fields=fields, raw_output=False)


    perhaps this is what you are interested in

  • Hello @bshapiro ,

    I see the case, it was opened yesterday and is "In Progress" at this time

  • Interesting, as your screenshots show, the correct grade is returned from the Reuters terminal, but Eikon Python API still returns Neutral and Hold for BrkRecLabel and RecLabelEst. There is a discrepancy between the two that must be resolved.