How to retrieve exchange-specific RIC from ISIN input

Hi , I am aware this question was asked before, but since the advanced time since it was asked in 2017 I was wondering if there was a more elegant and proper way to retrieve the RIC for an instrument at a specific exchange now? Hope there is since the existing solution are not very satisfying. And if there is no direct way, is there a way through the refinitiv library? (Trying to avoid eikon library if possible)

Thanks for the help in advance!

Best Answer


  • This would be the request I want to do in Python:


    As an example, obviously then for a whole list of ISIN's...

  • Awesome thank you! That helps a lot. I saw the example too but couldnt really figure out how to search for what I wanted. Im still pretty new to python. How/Where did u find the necessary syntax to the search function?

    Can I use this example in combination for a whole row of ISINs of a dataframe by combining the row instead of the ISIN in the search or would I need to change it?

    Thanks again for all the help so far!

  • @tom.derwort

    You can find more information regarding the RDP /discovery/search/v1/explore endpoint in the API Playground. Search for the RDP /discovery/search/v1 endpoint and then go to the Reference page of the /explore endpoint.


    For multiple ISINs, you can try the following fiters:

    • "(IssueISIN eq 'LU0100938306' and ExchangeCode eq 'STU') or (IssueISIN eq '<ISIN>' and ExchangeCode eq '<Exchange Code') or ..."
    • "(IssueISIN in ('LU0100938306' '<ISIN_1>' '<ISIN_2>') and ExchangeCode eq 'STU')"
  • Awesome thank you so much! I actually never cheked the playground cause I thought it was something else. But thanks so much I think that'll help a lot!