Conncet EIKON to Google Colab

I have the same question like the one posted in the forum in 2020 (see link below). However, it was not answered clearly and the link provided in this thread is not accessible anymore. So I would like to reopen the question and ask if and how I can connect to EIKON using google colab.

Question from 2020:

Best Answer

  • nick.zincone
    Answer ✓

    Hi @basilio.konstantin.kalus

    The basic requirement to utilize the desktop APIs is that your Python code you are trying to execute connects to a server (proxy) running on the machine where you are running the code, i.e. localhost.

    This proxy is started by Eikon or Refinitiv Workspace.

    That being said, with Google Colab, you will have to investigate whether you can run your notebook in such a way that it can connect to local resources on your personal computer where Eikon or Refinitiv Workspace is running. I assume the error your are receiving is that it fails to connect.

    Here is the proper link that you can access: Eikon Data API(Python) Troubleshooting | Refinitiv | Refinitiv Developers.
