rdp.get_data() returns N/A for Canadian symbols

Below get_data function works fine for LSEG and AAPL but returns <NA> for BMO.TO. I wonder if there are no "Revenue" and "GrossProfit" feeds for Canadian stocks.

import refinitiv.dataplatform as rdp


universe=["LSEG.L", "BMO.TO","AAPL.O"],

fields=["TR.Revenue", "TR.GrossProfit"]


Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓

    I would like to share a resolution from the content support team.

    BMO.TO (Bank of Montreal) or other banks or financial institutions would not have any records for fields TR.Revenue and TR.GrossProfit since they don't sell goods or services.

    In order to pull the same information, we need to use the fields TR.InterestIncomeBank and TR.NetInterestIncome.


  • hi @yzhou ,

    according to this answer from my colleague

    If the same code is working for many other RICs and not yielding data for certain RICs, then this is most likely a content issue.

    I would recommend you create a content query ticket on MyRefinitiv to discuss your requirements. They may be able to advise if the required data is available in a different field for those particular RICs. For this case, case number 11341856 was raised on your behalf and the support team is going to contact you directly to assist on this.

    Whilst we do try to normalise our data, we carry 80million RICs from 10,000+ sources - and sometimes there can be differences based on the source of data/asset class etc.