PermID ordering from /discovery/symbology/v1/lookup API

How do I correctly use the symbology lookup API to retrieve PermIDs for a list of SEDOLS (with potentially inactive SEDOLs on the list). I have used the showHistory=True functionality as suggested in an earlier Q&A

However, there appears to be a problem with the JSON output returned in that the PermID results returned are not necessarily in the same order as the SEDOL list.

In the example below, the first SEDOL 6499323 should be Kumho Petrol but Korea Electric is returned first.

Example body:


"from": [


"identifierTypes": [



"values": [








"to": [


"objectTypes": [



"identifierTypes": [





"reference": [





"type": "auto",

"showHistory": true




Best Answer

  • RFielder
    Answer ✓

    Hello @danny.lo the symbology API does not guarantee that output ordering is the same as the order of input values. The user guide p21 mentions 'There is no predefined sort order to the entities returned in the API response and sort order should not be programmatically relied on to be in a certain order'. I will investigate if this feature could be added in future.


  • hi @danny.lo ,

    I tried to remove the parameter "showHistory" from the API request and found that the response contains the mapping between input/output identifiers. Please see more detail below.

    • response of the request with showHistory parameter
      "data": [
      "input": [
      "value": "6499323",
      "identifierType": "SEDOL"
      "value": "6497112",
      "identifierType": "SEDOL"
      "value": "6495730",
      "identifierType": "SEDOL"
      "value": "6495428",
      "identifierType": "SEDOL"
      "output": [
      "value": "4295881588",
      "identifierType": "PermID",
      "objectType": "organization",
      "name": "Korea Electric Power Corp",
      "status": "Active",
      "classification": "Utilities"
      "value": "4295882003",
      "identifierType": "PermID",
      "objectType": "organization",
      "name": "Korea Zinc Inc",
      "status": "Active",
      "classification": "Basic Materials"
      "value": "4295881087",
      "identifierType": "PermID",
      "objectType": "organization",
      "name": "Kumho Petro Chemical Co Ltd",
      "status": "Active",
      "classification": "Consumer Cyclicals"
      "value": "4295881083",
      "identifierType": "PermID",
      "objectType": "organization",
      "name": "CJ Logistics Corp",
      "status": "Active",
      "classification": "Industrials"
      "effectiveFrom": "1997-10-22T00:00:00.000Z"
      "requestId": "xxxxx",
      "effectiveAt": "2022-06-21T06:48:00.623Z",
      "messages": []
    • response without showHistory parameter
      "input": [
      "value": "6495730",
      "identifierType": "SEDOL"
      "output": [
      "value": "4295881588",
      "identifierType": "PermID",
      "objectType": "organization",
      "name": "Korea Electric Power Corp",
      "status": "Active",
      "classification": "Utilities"
      "input": [
      "value": "6495428",
      "identifierType": "SEDOL"
      "output": [
      "value": "4295882003",
      "identifierType": "PermID",
      "objectType": "organization",
      "name": "Korea Zinc Inc",
      "status": "Active",
      "classification": "Basic Materials"
      "input": [
      "value": "6499323",
      "identifierType": "SEDOL"
      "output": [
      "value": "4295881087",
      "identifierType": "PermID",
      "objectType": "organization",
      "name": "Kumho Petro Chemical Co Ltd",
      "status": "Active",
      "classification": "Consumer Cyclicals"
      "input": [
      "value": "6497112",
      "identifierType": "SEDOL"
      "output": [
      "value": "4295881083",
      "identifierType": "PermID",
      "objectType": "organization",
      "name": "CJ Logistics Corp",
      "status": "Active",
      "classification": "Industrials"
      "requestId": "xxxxx",
      "effectiveAt": "2022-06-21T07:16:04.568Z",
      "messages": []

    Hence, to get more information regarding the parameter "showHistory", case number 11341509 is raised on behalf of you and you'll be contacted by the specialist directly.

    Hope this helps.

  • Thanks @RFielder. It looks like the only two options I have is 1) run the endpoint one SEDOL at a time or 2) remove the showHistory=true parameter.