web alternative to COM API ?

We are currently using Eikon COM API to retrieve the following data :

  • RIC
  • debt instruments (bonds, loans) with full related informations
  • historical data : yields, issuance information, credit rating information
  • currency and industry curves

What would be an alternative API to avoid installing Eikon on the computer ?

Could we retrieve the same data via webservice call or webapi directly ? Would it be possible via Refinitiv workspace or the Eikon Data platform for example ?


Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    To receive this data without installing Eikon, you should consider the Refinitv Data Platform APIs. Refinitiv Data Platform provides simple web-based API access to a broad range of content. Please refer to the product page for currently available services.

    However, it may not be covered all content supported by Eikon COM. You need to contact your account representative for more details and to request access.

    You can also use the Refinitiv Data Libraries (Python, .NET, and TypeScript) to access the Refinitv Data Platform APIs.


  • Thanks for your response !
  • Hey everyone,

    I totally get where you're coming from, Creymann! Dealing with APIs can sometimes feel like a maze, right? I've had my fair share of experiences, and let me tell you, finding alternatives can be a game-changer.

    Regarding your Eikon COM API concern, I'd recommend checking out the Definitive Data Platform APIs. They offer web-based access to a wide range of data, which could be a solid web alternative to installing Eikon. But, gotta keep it real, it might not cover all the bells and whistles Eikon COM provides.

    If you're into coding, Definitive Data Libraries like Python, .NET, and TypeScript could be your new besties. They connect you to the Refinitiv Data Platform APIs and might just do the trick.

    Remember, change can be a bit intimidating, but exploring options is how we grow! So, Creymann, go ahead and dive into those Refinitiv alternatives. And don't hesitate to reach out to your account rep for more insights.