Why are these future contract RICs inconsistent from FuturesAndOptionsSearch?

For future contracts expiring in January 2024 onwards the following RIC rule applies.

"Two-digit year codes have been introduced for any contract expiring in January 2024 and beyond. So, all RICs will have one digit year code till December 2023 and will start using two-digit year code as and when contracts are listed for Jan 2024 and beyond, with an exception of Strategy/Spreads - Butterfly (BF), Condor (CF) and Inter-Commodity (SI) types."

When I send a request using the following payload

"SearchRequest": {
"FuturesAndOptionsType": "Futures",
"Identifier": "W",
"IdentifierType": "RICRoot"

The contracts that are expiring in 2024 are consistent with the RIC rule above (WH24, WK24, WN24 etc.)

However if I request contracts for a different instrument using the following payload for example

"SearchRequest": {
"FuturesAndOptionsType": "Futures",
"Identifier": "COM",
"IdentifierType": "RICRoot"

The contracts that are expiring in 2024 are inconsistent with the RIC rule (COMG4, COMK4, COMQ4 ,COMX4)

Could you please explain why this is or fix this?

Best Answer

  • aramyan.h
    Answer ✓

    Dear @mike-petrut ,

    Assuming that you have already reviewed RIC rules on Futures, particularly RULES5 from Refinitiv Workspace, and didn't find an answer, I have raised a content enquiry on behalf of you (since this is a content related question).

    The case number is 11349666 and hopefully you have received an email and someone from the content team will address your issue.

    On the meantime, if you have any API related question don't hesitate to let us know and we would be happy to address it.

    Best regards,

