Contributions over Websockets - NotEntitled code


We are working with Refinitiv (Richard Smith) to create a POC for Contributions (Posting data using Websockets).

We have developed a POC for automatically creating RICs and have created a sample RIC under SAMPLE3=LLAC

We are now trying to post data to that RIC. I have create a sample app in C# that does this but I am getting a NotEntitled code after my Login request.

I have reached out to Refinitiv (Richard Smith) who has advised I create a ticket here.

We successfully authenticate and get back a token, however, the Login seems to be rejected.

Here are the responses:


"access_token": "REMOVED FOR CLARITY",

"refresh_token": "c1126397-cea8-49f4-bf95-0d5c3e78eb2f",

"expires_in": "600",

"scope": "",

"token_type": "Bearer"


I then send a Login request, like:



"Key": {

"NameType": "AuthnToken",

"Elements": {

"ApplicationId": "256",

"Position": "",

"AuthenticationToken": "REMOVED FOR CLARITY"




And get back a NotEntitled Code:

{"ID": 1,

"Type": "Status",

"Domain": "Login",

"State": {

"Stream": "Closed",

"Data": "Suspect",

"Code": "NotEntitled",

"Text": "System busy"


"Private": true



I used the following details (from the Python example on Developer Portal):

Auth URL:

Host: => wss://

Service: DDS_TRCE

AppID: 256

Port: 443

Are these correct or is it permissions on my account?

I wasn't sure about the Service name - where do I find this information?



Best Answer

  • umer.nalla
    Answer ✓

    Hi @emir.subasic

    Ok - so if you can log in successfully - but only the Post is falling, then it is most likely you don't have the correct permission to post to those RICs.

    I also note the 'System busy' text in the above status message - so the NotEntitled could be a red-herring.

    This is something the RCC team will need to investigate.

    I understand Richard is arranging a call with you and the RCC team for tomorrow.
