Hourly historical data


I need an hourly stock price for stocks form 2016 to 2022. Is there any way to get hourly quotes between this time windows? Any help will be highly appreciated.

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓


    I checked and found that the Intraday time-series database used by the get_timeseries method and the Refinitv Data Platform only stores up to 1 year of history.


    Therefore, we can't use Eikon Data API or the /data/historical-pricing/v1/views/intraday-summaries/ endpoint on Refinitiv Data Platform to retrieve hourly historical data in 2016.

    You may consider using another product, such as Refinitiv Tick History. I can use the

    TickHistoryIntradaySummariesExtractionRequest to get the data in 2016.


    I hope this can be of help.