price history request minutes level

I am looking for a way to request price history data in Python locally (not in the refinitiv codebook environment) on a minutes level to get Close, Open, Low, High, Volume, Bid, Ask for a given stock ticker . If I request the data manually in Refinitiv the output looks as follows:

1657059587808.png Now, I want to get the same automatically using python. I have used

get_timeseries and get_data

function but was not successfull in getting to the exact same output.

Best Answer

  • umer.nalla
    Answer ✓

    hi @basilio.konstantin.kalus

    That error does look odd - as the os.environ line is pointing it to a Configuration folder several folders upstream from the location of your notebook - so not sure why it is looking in your users Eikon folder.

    One thing to try is to comment out the os.environ line i.e.

    import os
    # os.environ["RD_LIB_CONFIG_PATH"] = "../../../Configuration"

    import as rd
    from import historical_pricing

    This will rely on the default behaviour and try and use a default app-key for a desktop connection. It will mean you cant enable logging etc for now - but at least we can get past this point for now and let you try out the code.


  • @basilio.konstantin.kalus

    You can use the get_timeseries method to retrieve minute intervals of historical data.

    df = ek.get_timeseries(['ADSGn.DE'], interval="minute")

    However, the output contains only the HIGH, LOW, OPEN, CLOSE, COUNT, and VOLUME fields.


    You can run help(ek.get_timeseries) to see all parameters of the get_timeseries method.

    To get other fields, you can use the Refinitiv Data Library for Python. The examples are available on GitHub.

    First, configure the Refntiiv Data Library (refinitiv-data.config.json) to use the Desktop session.

     "sessions": {
            "default": "desktop.workspace",
            "platform": {
                "rdp": {
                    "app-key": "YOUR APP KEY GOES HERE!",
                    "username": "YOUR RDP LOGIN OR MACHINE GOES HERE!",
                    "password": "YOUR RDP PASSWORD GOES HERE!"
                "deployed": {
                    "app-key": "YOUR APP KEY GOES HERE!",
                    "realtime-distribution-system": {
                        "url" : "YOUR DEPLOYED HOST:PORT GOES HERE!",
                        "dacs" : {
                            "username" : "YOUR DACS ID GOES HERE!",
                            "application-id" : 256,
                            "position" : ""
            "desktop": {
                "workspace": {
                    "app-key": "YOUR APP KEY GOES HERE!"


    Then, run the EX-2.01.01-HistoricalPricing.ipynb example.

    The code looks like this:

    response = historical_pricing.summaries.Definition(
        fields=["HIGH_1", "LOW_1", "OPEN_PRC", "TRDPRC_1", "BID", "ASK"]

    The output is:


    You can also run help(historical_pricing.summaries.Definition) to see all parameters of this method.

  • Thanks for your quick response. However, I dont know which url I need to plug into "YOUR DEPLOYED HOST:PORT GOES HERE! ". Additionally, I have problems getting my DACS username/ ID, could you help me where I get this DACS ID?

    Many thanks!

  • Hi @basilio.konstantin.kalus

    You are asking about Deployed host and DACS username - these are only required if connecting to a local ADS server.

    To connect to your Eikon - you only need to fill in the desktop workspace app-key section

    "desktop": {
    "workspace": {
    "app-key": "YOUR APP KEY GOES HERE!"

    You can generate an App-Key at or inside Eikon by searching for AppKey - as described here Quick Start | Refinitiv Developers

  • My refinitiv-data.config.json configuration file now looks as follows:

    "desktop": {
    "workspace": {

    However, when running the code:

    import os
    os.environ["RD_LIB_CONFIG_PATH"] = "../../../Configuration"

    import as rd
    from import historical_pricing

    response ="LSEG.L").get_data()

    I get the following error:

    raise RDError(0, f"Error happened during config file {path} read") from exc Error code 0 | Error happened during config file C:\Users\Basilio\PycharmProjects\EIKON\refinitiv-data.config.json read

    I checked the path, and its correct, I have also tried other versions of the refinitiv-data.config.json configuration file like:

    "sessions": {
    "default": "desktop.workspace",
    "desktop": {
    "workspace": {

    leading to the same error message.

  • Hi @basilio.konstantin.kalus

    Can you also confirm you are using the latest version

    pip install refinitiv-data==1.0.0b16 


  • Thank you very much, with the latest version it works!

  • Which update are you talking about?

    I have the same..

    Error code 0 | Error happened during config file ../Configuration\refinitiv-data.config.json read
  • This is my config file:


    "logs": {

    "level": "debug",

    "transports": {

    "console": {

    "enabled": true


    "file": {

    "enabled": false,

    "name": "refinitiv-data-lib.log"




    "sessions": {

    "default": "platform.rdp",

    "platform": {

    "rdp": {

    "app-key": "XXX",

    "username": "",

    "password": "XXX"



    "desktop": {

    "workspace": {

    "app-key": "XXX"





    But when I run

    import os

    os.environ["RD_LIB_CONFIG_PATH"] = "../Configuration"

    import as rd


    I keep getting

    1. Error code 0 | Error happened during config file ../Configuration\refinitiv-data.config.json read

  • All good now, I've found the issue.