get_data with ISIN as identidier

I am using Eikon with python on a Windows machine. (First day using codebook)

I would like to receive for example CF_ASK and ASKSIZE for Google on the Exchange Tradegate. With "ABEA.TG" as the identifier it is working properly. But I would like to use the get_date function with an ISIN as identifier.

import eikon as ek
df, err = ek.get_data(['GOOG.O', 'ABEA.TG', 'US02079K3059', 'US02079K3059.TB'], ['CF_ASK', 'ASKSIZE'])

The ISINS are just showing <NA>.


How can I use an ISIN as identifiere here?


Best Answer

  • umer.nalla
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Bjorn8

    It may be worth speaking to your sales contact again. It could well be that they showed you the RD Library inside Codebook - rather than the Eikon Data API?

    When you run Codebook and refer to the Examples -> 01. Data Retrieval->01.01 Refinitiv Data Library folder where you can find Content Symbology example.

    For example, you could do something like:

    response = symbol_conversion.Definition(

    rics =['RIC'].tolist()
    df = rd.get_data(rics, ['CF_ASK', 'ASKSIZE'])

    Which is taking a couple of ISINs, and converting them to RICs before calling get_data()


  • Hi @Bjorn8,

    You can print the error object to see the message returned from the server.

    [{'code': 251658243,
    'col': 1,
    'message': "'The record could not be found' for the instrument 'US02079K3059'",
    'row': 2},
    {'code': 251658243,
    'col': 2,
    'message': "'The record could not be found' for the instrument 'US02079K3059'",
    'row': 2},
    {'code': 251658243,
    'col': 1,
    'message': "'The record could not be found' for the instrument 'US02079K3059.TB'",
    'row': 3},
    {'code': 251658243,
    'col': 2,
    'message': "'The record could not be found' for the instrument 'US02079K3059.TB'",
    'row': 3}]

    It seems only RIC's are supported for getting the real time data fields. You can try the following query and use the non-real time fields:

    df, err = ek.get_data(['GOOG.O', 'ABEA.TG', 'US02079K3059'], ['TR.ASKPRICE', 'TR.PriceClose'])

    The last ISIN code seems to be invalid.

  • Thanks for your answer. But it has to be possible. The „sales“ team showed me that it is possible with an ISIN before I signed the contract. But now they are just referring to the QA Section here.
  • We, the moderators on these forums can help with API, but are not content experts. I would recommend that you open a service ticket with and directly speak with a content expert. They can advise you on this authoritatively.

  • Hi @Bjorn8,

    you can programmatically find the RICs you are after using the symbology converter in Python, then continue using the code you already have. Does that answer your question?

  • Thanks, that was really helpfull. Any change to set teh exchange as well? RIC is different for Google in USA and Google in Germany. May I add Exchange "TG" for Trtadegate for example?

    This is what I was looking for:

    # retrieve RIC from ISIN

    DATA, err = ek.get_data(['DE0006083405'], ['TR.RIC'])

    # convert RICs to list to be used

    ric_lists = DATA['RIC'].to_list()

    # get data

    df, err = ek.get_data(ric_lists, ['CF_NAME','CF_BID', 'CF_ASK', 'BIDSIZE', 'ASKSIZE', 'CF_EXCHNG'])


  • Thank you this is really helpful. But is itpossible to add an exchange as well? RIC for the same ISIN is different for Tradegate and NASD for example.
  • Hi @Bjorn8

    I can do the above using the Symbology API - e.g.

    "from": [
    "values": [
    "RDNExchangeCode": "TDG",
    "Isin": "US02079K3059"
    "RDNExchangeCode": "NSQ",
    "Isin": "US02079K3059"
    "to": [
    "identifierTypes": [
    "objectTypes": [
    "type": "predefined",
    "route": "IsinVenueToQuote"


     [{'input': [{'value': 'US02079K3059', 'identifierType': 'Isin'},
    {'value': 'NSQ', 'identifierType': 'RDNExchangeCode'}],
    'output': [{'value': 'GOOGL.O', 'identifierType': 'RIC'}]},
    {'input': [{'value': 'US02079K3059', 'identifierType': 'Isin'},
    {'value': 'TDG', 'identifierType': 'RDNExchangeCode'}],
    'output': [{'value': 'ABEA.TG', 'identifierType': 'RIC'}]}]

    This would require using the Endpoint interface of the RD Library (as the symbol_conversion uses a different API at the moment)

    You can see an example of the Symbology API being used with the Endpoint interface at Example.DataLibrary.Python/EX-3.01.01-Endpoint.ipynb - if you refer to the Body Parameter: example towards bottom of that notebook.

    As you will note, you can provide multiple input values in a single request.